
Announcing our Smartlead and Salesforce integration

Discover OutboundSync's new Salesforce integration, bridging the gap between Smartlead and Salesforce. Request access today!

Over the past year and a half, we've built a robust Smartlead and HubSpot integration, syncing over 1.5 million webhooks and connecting 130 properties. Realizing our users' need for a direct Salesforce integration, we developed a custom solution.

In the video below, I demonstrate how the integration logs activity from Smartlead, maps email addresses, and links activity to account levels using our testing modal.

For more information and to join the beta, visit


Introduction and Welcome

[00:00:00] Harris Kenny: Hi there! My name is Harris Kenny. I'm the founder of OutboundSync.

[00:00:03] In this brief video, I want to show you what we've been working on, which is the first Salesforce and Smartlead custom integration.

About OutboundSync

[00:00:11] Harris Kenny: Now, if you're not familiar with OutboundSync, we've been spending the last year and a half building a Smartlead and HubSpot integration.

[00:00:18] We've synced over one and a half million webhooks between the platforms, connecting 130 different properties with two way block lists and a lot more.

Why Build a Salesforce Integration?

[00:00:27] Harris Kenny: We noticed that a lot of users were actually using our HubSpot integration to sync to Salesforce. And after speaking with them, this left a lot to be desired. It seemed like the best next step was for us to start building a Salesforce integration ourselves.

Demo of the Integration

[00:00:43] Harris Kenny: Now, rather than talk about it a bunch, I'm just going to jump right in and show you how this works.

[00:00:48] We're logging activity from Smartlead,we're mapping the addresses for the email, the sender, the recipient, and we're also relating that activity up to the account level.

Technical Details

[00:00:59] Harris Kenny: Now, just really quick, the way that we're doing this is we're using OutboundSync's testing modal. And what this allows us to do is this allows us to send custom payloads over from OutboundSync, into Smartlead. Now of course, the way this will work when you have Smartlead connected, is that it'll be your actual campaign data.

Example Use Case

[00:01:19] Harris Kenny: And here you can see an example of a contact, Jack Dough, which has an account associated with it. And then the email activity. And notice that these are logged as activities as emails with the subject line, and the time, and you can see this is true across these different test payloads that we sent over, including both sent emails and we can also log replies, bounces, and quite a bit more.

Conclusion and Next Steps

[00:01:46] Harris Kenny: If you're interested in learning more, go to to sign up, to be notified as this beta goes live.

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